You can trust the Man who died for you.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Currently ReadingBaseball For Dummies (For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies))By Joe Morgan, Richard Lallysee related

GO BEAVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take it, take it, take it, to hooooo hooooop! Oh wait, that's Basketball. Oh well, way too make those touch downs beavers.

Joking joking, I am not that blond just feeling silly!

Monday, June 26, 2006

My Life and Heaven

Well, it's definitely time to update you all on my life again. It seems I've been fairly busy lately. Let's see...

Tuesday we headed over to mom and dad Nice's on foot. It was quite a walk. Uphill all the way. It took us about an half an hour. I couldn't believe how much more wore out I got from walking uphill. I felt really out of shape to say the least, but it felt really good when we finally made it too mom and dad's. I felt like super women, like Dr. Laura would say hurra! We actually walked up the mountain, and through long tall grass, it was quite an adventure! Oh and it was so beautiful when we stopped and looked back down. Sometime I want to go again when we are not in so much of a hurry and we can just sit and soak in the beauty for a while. We ate supper there along with Quinton and Amanda's. It was actually a celebration dinner. Dad Nice said and I quote, "I feel like I'm on vacation." The affects of the chemo are wearing off and he feels really good right now. The cool thing is he doesn't have to do any more chemo before the wedding. Another really cool thing and the doc doesn't understand this, He hasn't lost his hair! I think it's a miracle! The doc says he will lose it, but we'll just see...

OK I can't seem to get my days straight from last week, at least during the day, I rode my bike to the library one day after going grocery shopping, I baked one day, I cleaned I think Friday, then Friday evening we did a scavenger hunt with the youth ministry. Please pray for that ministry. Sometimes it's hard to know what exactly God wants us to do...I have big dreams, but God knew I needed a man who would keep my feet on the ground Justin and I really did good with excersising this week, (I can't spell it,but...) I am not seeing any immediate results and those of you who know me I get impatient fairly anyhow I am trying to keep myself from going on a crash diet before the wedding. I think I will stay away from sugar until then...that ought to help some...but anyway you all didn't need to know that.

I am soooooooooooooo excited about going back east for the be reunited with loved ones it reminds me of one of the reasons I am looking forward to Heaven as well...

June 21 of last week would have been 13 years ago that my brother Kevin went to Heaven...Last night I realized I had never really talked to my husband about that time in my life... I think I talked a little about it...but frankly I don't like to think back to that was the saddest time in our lives...Anyway so last night I told my husband everything, my feelings everything came back in an alarming reality, but once again, my husband was a comfort...I thank God for him.
Kevin, I miss you, but I know that you are in a much better place and I can't wait to be reunited with you in Heaven...

Won't it be great, when we never again have to say good-bye, no more Oregon's and Delaware's and miles that separate the two, It will just be Heaven and we'll be all together with our wonderful Saviour, I can't wait...It's something worth living for.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Joining Elmo in Grouchland

Currently ReadingThe Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland Movie Storybook (Elmo in Grouchland)By James Bridgessee related

Well, I guess it's time to let you all know a little of what's going on in my life. First of all a praise report, Praise the Lord Dad Nice doesn't have to do any more Chemo treatments before the wedding. For those of you that don't know we were hoping and praying towards that end, but you never know. Tonight we are going to go over to mom and dad Nice's to celebrate! That should be fun!

This weekend was a tough one for me. I was really sad that I had to miss Kendra and Chad's wedding for one and Sunday was father's day. Actually, I had a really bad attitude on Saturday thus the title of this weblog. Justin and I had to get some mowing done we started at the church and my dear mother in law despite the fact that she had many things to do that day was finishing up at the church when we got there. From there we headed over to the school. I did the push mowing(it's safer) while Justin and mom Nice finished up the riding together. After that we headed over to the cemetary and that's where my attitude started, or at least that's where I noticed it...

I told my husband to go ahead and start mowing while I clean up the flowers on the graves(from Memorial day) because I really couldn't push mow anyway before those were cleaned up. Now you must know it was a beautiful day the sun was shining and I saw two butterflies, but I hardly even noticed them...

I obviously had no idea what kind of job I was getting in by cleaning those flowers
The flowers were dead, but they were in water. If any of you have ever thrown out dead stinking flowers you can relate, a little. They smell bad when they have been rotting in water for a while.We only had like four big trash bags, so I had to go around and gather all the dead stinking, bug infested, worm crawling flowers, put them in a garbage bag and throw them over the fence. I filled about three bags worth of flowers, then I had to go around and dump all the stinky, bug and worm infested water of the pots out onto the ground and throw them in the four garbage bags we had. Regretfully, I was grumbling the whole time...

"Ewwww, this is sooo gross..., I can't believe all these stupid flowers,... What's with people that they have to put flowers on graves anyway the deceased won't enjoy them anyway...They have a lot more beautiful flowers in Heaven...wish I could be there...just think if I were home right now I would be sitting in a beautiful reception dressed up and smelling good, not pickin' up stinky, bug and worm infested flowers..."At one point I stumped one of those permanent vases back into it's hole, a huge splash of stinky, buggy, water soaked my shoe and the bottom of my dress...(I won't bother you with the thoughts that came into my mind at that point)
Yeah I had me an attitude, it was terrible by the time I was mowing I was crying and just having a real good old fashioned pity party. At the same time I felt selfish and I was like my mother in law bless her heart does this all the time--with a cheerful attitude. That really didn't improve my attitude though, just made me feel like a real jerk...and you know people that feel like jerks act like ...yeah that...

The worse part of this whole story is that I ruined that entire evening as well with my hubby, we went to see a parade and I hardly talked at all...I should have been having a blast...we met some friends in town(it was Sheridan days), but all I could do was pout about what a miserable life I led....

Sunday we talked in Sunday school about our good works sometimes being like hay, wood, and stubble, and some of the good works we do here on earth will burn before our eyes,...someone suggested that if we did those works with a bad attitude they might you know, be the ones that burn Yeah, I was probably blushing pretty bad at that point. I could envision Saturday burnin' up before my eyes, dead flowers probably burned up even faster then most things and all that dead grass, would go up in flames in no time.... I did apologize to my hubby and God for my raunchy attitude...but that didn't fix the day that I had messed up...a day full of wood, hay, and stubble...Sometimes I am astounded at how very selfish of a person I am...and yet God still loves me, He loves me enough to give me a gentle loving little reminder of the opportunity He had given me to serve, and how much greater my day will be if I choose praise over pouting...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hell-- it's a subject worth talking about

I may have gotten some of your attention by my title, and a few raised eyebrows which is about all that the word "hell" seems to get anymore. Your probably wondering why in the world I would want to broach such a subject on my xanga, well let me give you a little background...
About two nights ago I had an interesting experience through a book I was reading, and am currently reading by Randy Alcorn. It's a book I would highly recommend to everyone. It's the first book in a long time that I have ever seen completely devoted to the subject of life after death..., but I really need to stick to the subject because I have a lot to say. I just finished reading the chapter he wrote on "Hell" before turning off the lights as I was reading I felt this urgency in my spirit that was so strong I could hardly think of anything else my husband noticing that I was quiet, and knew with me that that is usually a sign of something being "wrong" Asked me if I was ok, usually I pretty much jabber the dear guy to sleep, All of a sudden it hit me--what I had been reading in the book and it came out in choking sobs, I can't explain it I just couldn't stop the flood of tears that kept coming I pretty much cried myself to sleep that night. Why? The terriblness of an eternity in hell just overwhelmed me and I couldn't help but think of all the people that don't know Jesus as their personal Saviour...let me quote a little of what I read from the book...
Chapter title: Is Heaven our Default Destination or is Hell?
The safest road to hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. --C.S. Lewis
(that's a scary thought here's some more)
For every American who believes he's going to Hell, there are 120 who believe they're going to Heaven. This optimism stands in stark contrast to Christ's words in Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter in. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it."
Sin separates us from God...
God is so holy that He cannot allow sin into His presence....
We cannot get into Heaven as we are...
We dare not "wait and see" when it comes to what's on the other side of death. We can know We should know before we die. We may die at anytime...
Here is a little portion from the book on the awfulness of Hell...
"Hell will be a place of conscious punishment for sins, with no hope of relief. This is why Dante, in the Inferno, envisioned this sign chiseled above Hell's gate: 'Abandon every hope, you who enter.' Jesus refers it as a literal place and describes it in graphic terms--including raging fires and the worm that doesn't die. Christ says the unsaved 'will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth' Matthew8:12 In His story of the rish man and Lazarus, Jesus taught that in Hell, the wicked suffer terribly are fully conscious retain their desires and memories and reasoning, long for relief, cannot be comforted, cannot leave their torment, and are bereft of hope. The Saviour could not have painted a more bleak or graphic picture."
Is it unloving to speak of hell?
The books says it better then I could here are some excerpts.
"If you were giving some friends directions to Denver and you knew that one road led there but a second road ended at a sharp cliff around a blind corner, would you talk only about the safe road? No. You would tell them about both, especially if you knew that the road to destruction was wider and more traveled . In fact, it would be terribly unloving not to warn them about that other road.
For the same reason we must not believe Satan's lie that it's unloving to speak to people about Hell. The most basic truth is that there are only two possible destinations after death; Heaven and Hell. Each is just as real and just as eternal as the other. Unless and until we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we're headed for Hell. The most loving thing we can do for our friends and our family is to warn them about the road that leads to destrucion and tell them about th road that leads to life.
If we understood Hell even the slightest bit, none of us would ever say, 'Go to Hell,' it's far to easy to go there. It requires no change of course, .... We were born with our auto pilot set to Hell.
God loves us enough to tell us the truth...Only one road leads to Heaven. Jesus said, 'No one comes to the Father except through me'
...Because God is the source of all good , and hell is the absence of God , Hell must be the absence of all good. Hell will have no community, no camaraderie, no friendship(those are good things)...likely, each person is in solitary confinement, just as the rich man is portrayed alone in Hell(Luke 16:22-23)"

Ok so all this could be considered rather depressing, but it isn't because none of us have to go. Jesus loved us so much that He would rather die then send us into an everlasting punishment. He offers us the free gift of salvation and all we have to do is ask. I know this post is rather serious, but I just felt a need to share what I read. I think we need to realize the seriousness of it all. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING is worth missing Heaven for. So many things in this life that seems so tempting and wonderful are nothing when you look at them through the eyeglasses of eternity. We should be doing everything we can to keep ourselves far away from that path that leads to the pit of Hell! Why would we even want to tempt ourselves with things that aren't necessarily wrong but may slowly and softly lead us to that wide easy path?! I plead with you my loved ones, don't go there...
People my heart is so heavy when I think of this subject, but I must-- we must all be serious when it comes to this... we must consider the consequence of every action, every choice that we make...Eternity is too important to play around with....
"Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done when I come to die...Resolved , to endeavor to my utmost to act as I can think I should do, if, I had already seen the happiness of Heaven and Hell torments."--Jonathan Edwards

Posted 6/18/2006 at 1:31 AM - email it

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

copy from my xanga

I did yield to the appeal of xanga mostly because I enjoy all the comments I get from that. Majority rules, but I have been trying to keep up both. I use the copy and paste so that is why sometimes they come out looking a little funny ;-) --I try. Here is my most recent.

Currently ReadingChemistry and Chemical Reactivity (with General ChemistryNOW CD-ROM)By John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, Gabriela C. Weaversee related

OK so first of all since I wrote my last post, I really and truly lost my keys. Yesterday I had to go to the church to practice this skit and I was in a hurry cause I was running late, so I go to leave and like no keys ;-( So I 'm looking for them high low and too make a long story short I still haven't found them. I'll probably find them in some wierd place. Come to think about it I never looked in the stove, oh no....

Ok so I was late and I was like what am I gonna to so I threw some things in my back pack and jumped on Justin's bike (it's faster than mine and took off as fast as I could... I made it to church in about five min. I would have got their sooner, but my flip flop fell off in the middle of the road and I had to stop and let a few cars pass before I could go retrieve it how embarrassing.

Last night I was able to attend a tea party at our chuch it was just for the ladies and it was so fun. I wish I would have thought to take some pics. Everything was like old timey, I love that, and we had a speaker and a salad buffet, and a skit, and we sang and drank tea in our little tea cups. What fun! I must say lately I'm really starting to feel more at home here that doesn't mean I don't miss everyone at home,but last Sunday was the first that I went through the whole day without crying if that tells you anything.

I am keeping myself busy doing this and that. Monday we finally got some things up on our walls, and we got ...let's see well, curtain up. I ironed a few more, but as you all could guess I'm dangerous with the screw gun, so I need some help from my honey. Tuesday night we road our bikes to the library and checked out some books, don't ask me why, we have plenty of our own. Oh well, it's just something fun to do together. Weds my sweetheart brought me home a dozen white roses they were beautiful. We walked to church and back, I've been getting my exercise in this week. I was so determined too, because well let's just say if I were a guy I'd have to loosen my belt a few notches. It's hard to diet when your cooking for your husband, so I'm going to try the whole exercise thing. I enjoy it so we'll see. Um let's see, Thursday I walked to sewing circle, and then we went over to mom and dad Nice's for supper and Justin mowed their back field. It was fun got to feed my nephew and play around with my niece, and chat with mom and dad and Quinton and Amanda. Well, I gotta go I told you about yesterday. Today, my hubby is finally able to spray our yard so we can get it planted, He's been waiting for a calm day. I offered to help but he didn't think it would be a good idea, you have to mix up these chemicals and all and knowing me I'd probably start an explosion or somthin' thus my current reading material... hey if you want to learn you gotta read.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Currently ReadingDefective Memory, Absentmindedness and Their TreatmentBy Arnold Lorandsee related
Am I the Only One?
Am I the Only One who--

burns the bisquits, twice in a row, only by getting sidetracked

absently puts two teaspoons of salt in the cornbread instead of one.

the whole eggshell into the bread while the mixer is turning around and around.

starts following the wrong recipe in the cookbook.

has to bake a cookie recipe four times before she gets it anywhere near "mom's" cookies

a batch of cookies everytime she makes them.

let's the mash potatoes get cold while she's making the gravy.

forget's about the pie crust she's put in the oven over an hour a go, and then still serves the pie(hey it wasn't burnt, just a little dry

put's italian seasoning on the already too spicy sausage,

Burns the sausage

the bacon too crispy

Can't do anything with the twist dough make because it's too sticky.

Please let me know if I am not the most absentminded cook you ever heard of. I just have to laugh at myself Someday I'll have too right a book, let's see...I'll call it...When you Burn the Keys and Lose the Cake

Justin and I actually got some pictures up last night, we had so much fun just being together. Laughing and talking, it's been a while since we had time to just do that. Thank you for all your encouraging comments. They really mean so much. Gary came back from being in the hospital Sunday. When we went up to see him Sat. night he was feeling pretty good, but it's when he comes home and is off all the meds they put him on that it's hard. Continue to pray for him. The good news is that he may not have to have a third chemo treatment before his bone marrow transplant. The doctor's sound optimistic about his full recovery,'s tough,but God is here! Well, gotta go I have some baking to do today ahhh the cookies....oooohhhhh

Monday, June 05, 2006

When in Doubt

Wow, I don't even know if I should be writing on my xanga right now because I am so down in the pervebial dumps as it were. Tonight I got an email from a dear cuz, Fern, the first personal little note that I have gotten from a long time from anyone at home(Please don't anyone take that wrong, I know how busy life can be back east) Thanks Fern, you don't know how much that meant to me. I just sat and bawled my eyes out the entire time I read it. God knew I needed that tonight.

You ever have a wrestling match with God, it doesn't work you know He always wins You ever wonder why, why, why, why,....and when and how and where? You ever wonder if God just gives you a little more than you can handle? Do you ever think that maybe if I just had more faith if I was just a better person, I wouldn't have to go through all this? Do you ever wish you were more stronger, more disciplined, more loving, more kind, more forgiving, more content, more joyful, more unselfish, more.....well you get the point...

Do you ever doubt? I do. My only comfort is that even those mentioned in Hebrews 11 as men and women of faith had their doubting moments. I mean Sarah laughed, Abraham lied,Jacob deceived,Moses said, "I can't", Gideon had to have proof, twice, Barak well it took a talking donkey for him,Jephthah made a foolish vow,etc, etc, My point is it's nice to know that even these great men and women of faith, mentioned in the Bible as the faithful. Even they had to struggle to get there. They pressed on through the struggle and God rewarded their faith. I guess in some ways if we had no reson to doubt then we would not need faith.

The next chapter in Hebrews Chapter 12:1-3 pretty much sums up what faith is all about."Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him that edured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." Wow, what a comforting amazing verse! With all that in mind I press on in Jesus Name, but please pray for me for all of us, for Gary, Esther, and the rest of us as a family that the Lord would sustain us, comfort us, and keep us through anything that we face, and pray for me, and I think you know how, I need the prayers of those I love.

Press On

When the valley is deep,

When the mountain is steep,

When the body is weary,

When we stumble and fall,

When the choices are hard,

When we're battered and scared,

When we've spent our resources

When we've given our all,

In Jesus name we press on.

In Jesus name we press on.

Dear Lord, with the prize,

Clear before our eyes.

We find the strength

To press on.

Friday, June 02, 2006

ACE and Beyond
Wow, I just got finished watching a totally awesome ACE convention. Those of you who had the opportunity to go to one of those, count yourself along the very best. I have always wanted to. Unfortunately, our school started going the year after I went. ;-(
However, I am still counted among the most blest, because I got to go to the one of the most amazing Christian Day Schools out there CCS, and teach four years in the same school...if any of you want to do something for God, want to really make a difference in the hearts and lives of our youth today teaching schools the way to go!!!!!!!! No other job is as rewarding, and believe me I've just about tried them all, not intentionally of course, what else is a girl supposed to do with her summer vacation without going broke So here is a Hurrah to one of the best jobs and the best schools out there.
I also am very loyal to the ACE curriculum. I know that there are those who have had bad experiences with it, but mostly the way I've seen it, it was because the school was not run by the manual. You have to do it right, but ACE is the way to go. The people in charge of that program are my heroes and my friends. They have been my inspiration to follow Jesus Christ and I thank God for ACE, and all that it stands for. Well, gotta go, I just got really inspired there and had to release some steam before I popped
