You can trust the Man who died for you.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

copy from my xanga

I did yield to the appeal of xanga mostly because I enjoy all the comments I get from that. Majority rules, but I have been trying to keep up both. I use the copy and paste so that is why sometimes they come out looking a little funny ;-) --I try. Here is my most recent.

Currently ReadingChemistry and Chemical Reactivity (with General ChemistryNOW CD-ROM)By John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, Gabriela C. Weaversee related

OK so first of all since I wrote my last post, I really and truly lost my keys. Yesterday I had to go to the church to practice this skit and I was in a hurry cause I was running late, so I go to leave and like no keys ;-( So I 'm looking for them high low and too make a long story short I still haven't found them. I'll probably find them in some wierd place. Come to think about it I never looked in the stove, oh no....

Ok so I was late and I was like what am I gonna to so I threw some things in my back pack and jumped on Justin's bike (it's faster than mine and took off as fast as I could... I made it to church in about five min. I would have got their sooner, but my flip flop fell off in the middle of the road and I had to stop and let a few cars pass before I could go retrieve it how embarrassing.

Last night I was able to attend a tea party at our chuch it was just for the ladies and it was so fun. I wish I would have thought to take some pics. Everything was like old timey, I love that, and we had a speaker and a salad buffet, and a skit, and we sang and drank tea in our little tea cups. What fun! I must say lately I'm really starting to feel more at home here that doesn't mean I don't miss everyone at home,but last Sunday was the first that I went through the whole day without crying if that tells you anything.

I am keeping myself busy doing this and that. Monday we finally got some things up on our walls, and we got ...let's see well, curtain up. I ironed a few more, but as you all could guess I'm dangerous with the screw gun, so I need some help from my honey. Tuesday night we road our bikes to the library and checked out some books, don't ask me why, we have plenty of our own. Oh well, it's just something fun to do together. Weds my sweetheart brought me home a dozen white roses they were beautiful. We walked to church and back, I've been getting my exercise in this week. I was so determined too, because well let's just say if I were a guy I'd have to loosen my belt a few notches. It's hard to diet when your cooking for your husband, so I'm going to try the whole exercise thing. I enjoy it so we'll see. Um let's see, Thursday I walked to sewing circle, and then we went over to mom and dad Nice's for supper and Justin mowed their back field. It was fun got to feed my nephew and play around with my niece, and chat with mom and dad and Quinton and Amanda. Well, I gotta go I told you about yesterday. Today, my hubby is finally able to spray our yard so we can get it planted, He's been waiting for a calm day. I offered to help but he didn't think it would be a good idea, you have to mix up these chemicals and all and knowing me I'd probably start an explosion or somthin' thus my current reading material... hey if you want to learn you gotta read.


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