You can trust the Man who died for you.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

10 wonderful things about our vacation.

1. Roxbury(nothing bad could happen there) Well almost nothing...
2. Being with the family once again.
3. Hugs and squeals and welcome homes
4. Singing with my family and at church.
5. Prayer meeting.
6. Lunch with friends.
7. The bus ride to Indiana.
8. A Kenton sub They don't make subs like that in OR.
9. Talking with mom and dad.
10a. Laughter lots of laughter.
10b.Fireworks(would have been better with my hubby)
10c. Marcy, Zetta, Gina, and Jess, you guys are the best, and our goofy creek walk.
10e. Singing around the campfire...singing before the fireworks...just singing we really don't do enough of it around here...or I should say it's just different...ahhh I'll get used to it, but they sing choruses so weird Ha dear chorus's I wonder who actually sings them right.
10f. Sunday morning sharing and praying time. ( My cuz's are so cool)
10g. Abe and Amanda's
10h. Trevor and Angie's beautiful wedding.
10i. TMI
10j.Byler's store
10k. People lots and lots of people that I know ... ok I think I'm gonna go have a good cry now

Ok so I could go on and on it was a wonderful vacation, but surprisingly enough, I think i can come up with ten good things about coming back home to OR.

1.Walking into a shiny clean house.( I forgot how much mess 7 people make compared to two.
2. No water in the basement( a story for another time perhaps)
3.A nice soft bed
4. A normal schedule.
5. No living out of a suitcase.
6. No more hauling a 45lbs suitcase around( I always pack to much)
7. I actually feel rested.
8.Ok I'm running out of things....the scenery?
9.Um ... just me and my honey time.
10....I'm trying come on Donna you almost made I can do this why can't I just think of one more...Oh I know getting a call from a Aunt Loila saying they missed us.Whew... there I did it.
Ok, I think I'll stop here there is a lot more to say, and some more pics to post, but as they would say on Adventures in Odyssey..."Keep listening...(reading).


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